Exposure mode

Exposure in photography refers to the point at which light first reaches the film or sensor and the image is captured. The amount of light from the scene that strikes the image sensor (controlled by the lens aperture), the period of time the sensor is exposed to the light (controlled by the shutter speed), and the sensitivity of the sensor (determined by the ISO setting) combine to determine the proper exposure for a digital image. It is impossible to exaggerate the value of good exposure. The highlights of an image will be entirely white and devoid of tone information if it is overexposed. An image will be black and lack shadow detail if it is severely underexposed.

• Manual mode
• Aperture priority mode
• Shutter priority mode
• Program mode

Manual mode

Aperture and shutter speed are also under your control in manual mode. To help you set the aperture and shutter speed appropriately, use the exposure meter. Understanding how exposure is impacted by lighting levels is crucial in this mode. You have total control over how your camera operates and how the image turns out when you use manual mode.

Aperture priority mode

When using aperture priority auto, you set the aperture, and the camera chooses the appropriate shutter speed on its own. When managing the depth of field rather than capturing the subject's motion is more critical than either portraiture or macro photography, this mode is excellent.

Shutter priority mode

The shutter speed is set in shutter priority auto mode, and the camera automatically changes the aperture to adequately expose the picture. Because it provides you complete control over shutter speed, this mode is ideal for photographing sports or other fast-moving objects and unpredictable activity.

Program mode

The camera chooses the best aperture and shutter speed for the scene after metering it in programmed auto mode. To alter the outcomes, you can select from a variety of aperture and shutter speed combinations. For photos and still portrait settings, this mode is advised.

Exposure mode   Man Camera 
Manual mode  Aperture/shutter/ISO    
Aperture priority mode  Aperture/ISO  Shutter 
Shutter priority mode  Shutter/ISO  Aperture 
Program Mode  ISO  Aperture/shutter